API version 1.1 with oauth2
about 8 years ago by Ricardo Enrique
We've been making huge changes in the rebuilding society API. A huge step towards the so expected version 2.0 is the integration of oauth2 protocol to authenticate API resource calls, with the final goal to switch to a fully RESTful API.
The current api key based authentication will continue to work until the API endpoints are fully integrated with the oauth2 server we have in place. When done we will let you know how to get your new API client credentials, and give a prudential time to deprecate the old api key based auth in favor of the oauth2 based auth within your application. Documentation for 2.0 will be updated as well.
- added: /oauth2/token endpoint to issue access tokens with several grant_types
- improved: /rs/api/Loans output to return a valid json with loan_details embeded on each object
- improved: Code refactors in preparation to the oauth2 resource authentication methods
- added: