oauth2 endpoints now available!!
about 8 years ago by Ricardo Enrique
After months of implementing an oauth2 service we finally launched the endpoints to use it and updated the documentation accordingly.
This is a huge step forward to the api v2.0 which will be fully RESTful.
The next steps to take are the following:
- Deprecate the "UserKey" concept preventing the entire api to be RESTful and disabling mobile applications to make use of the core user-related endpoints.
- Reformat some of the json results in a way that are standard and easy to read and understand for 3th party applications.
- added: /oauth2/token endpoint to issue access tokens
- added: refactored api controllers to use access tokens based authentication
- added: refactored api controllers to keep using apikey as optional to the oauth2
- added: refactored api endpoints to validate the access token as main authentication method
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