Map of the entire API including all of the API calls that are supported and what you can do with each call.

Following is a map of the entire API including all of the API calls that are supported and what you can do with each call.

Base API URL: https://www.rebuildingsociety.com/api/rs/

URLHTTP VerbFunctionality
/LoansGETSearch for all loans available for auction.
The service shall return either all loans currently available.
/MicroloansGETSearch for all microloans available for resale.
The service shall return all microloans currently available.
/NewsGETSearch for news stories.
The service shall return the latest news stories.
/StatisticsGETRetrieve building society statistics
The service shall return statistics.
/LenderInfoGETRetrieve user info.
The service shall return information relating to the user.
/UserStatementGETRetrieve user statement.
/UserkeyGETGenerate an userkey cookie specific to the user and device.
/get_nonceGETGet a nonce specific to the parameters specified.
/getAppropriatenessTestGETGet appropriateness test questions
/getClassificationOptionsGETGet classification options
/setClassificationGETSet classification option to specific investor
/TradeMicroloansGETPerform an action for the specified user.
/PlaceBidPOSTPlace a bid.
/SubmitApplicationConsumerPOSTSubmit a consumer application.
/BorrowerInfoGETRetrieve user info.
The service shall return information relating to the user and their application.
/BorrowerCheckGETRetrieve borrower info.
The service shall return public information relating to the borrower
/RegisterUserGETRegister a new user.
/AddFundsGETAdd funds to user.
/GetDiscussionGETGet discussion.

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