Search for all loans available at primary and secondary marketplace. The service shall return either all loans currently available.

Calculate loan parameters by entered options
The service return loan parameters and calculated repayments.

  • When using apikey, endpoint will not try to look for authorization header.
  • When using authorization header, bearer token should be of type client_credentials.


Definition: Calculate loan parameters by entered options


loan_amountRequested amount of funds. Allowed values: 5000...1000000
loan_termTerm of the loan, months. Allowed values: 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 60
interest_rateExpected loan interest rate, %. Allowed values: 5...20. Default value 10%
apikeyAPI access key supplied by Rebuilding Society.
userkeyToken for User Authentication see Userkey
arrangement_feePlatform fee, % of the loan_amount. Allowed values: 0...100. Default value 0%
start_dateDate of the first repayment in yyyy-mm-dd format
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