Retrieve user statement. Uses apikey and access token.

Retrieve user statement.

  • When using apikey, endpoint will not try to look for authorization header.
  • When using authorization header, bearer token should be of type password.


Definition: Retrieve user statement.


detailThe level of detail of the information returned
filterFilter returned information
apikeyAPI access key supplied by Rebuilding Society
userkeyToken for User Authentication see /Userkey


Detail TAX: All transactions since 6-4-20xx 00:00:00



The year is calculated dynamically to be the last April 6th. So users only have information for the present tax year.

Example Output

ALL (default) – no filter

CREDITS  - 	(transaction_type  = 0 - Lender funds credit)
DEBITS  - 	(transaction_type  = 1 - Lender funds debit)
SALES  - 	  (transaction_type  = 3 - Lender credit from the sale of a loan part)
PURCHASES -	(transaction_type  = 4 - Lender debit from the purchase of a loan part)
LOANS -	    (transaction_type  = 5 - Lender debit for formalisation of bids to loans)
CAPITAL – 	(transaction_type  = 6 - Lender credit from borrower repayment (capital)
INTEREST – 	(transaction_type  = 8 - Lender credit from borrower payment of interest)
PROMO - 	  (transaction_type  = 7 - Lender credit from a promotion)
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