Search for all microloans available for resale. The service shall return all microloans currently available.

Search for all microloans available for resale.
The service shall return all microloans currently available.

  • When using apikey, endpoint will not try to look for authorization header.
  • When using authorization header, bearer token should be of type client_credentials.


Definition: A search for all microloans available for resale.


microloan_idThe id of the microloan. If no id is supplied then all microloans are returned
detailThe level of detail of the information returned
filterFilter returned loans
apikeyAPI access key supplied by Rebuilding Society

Filter parameter description:

MYLOANSReturn all microloans for the user identified by api_key
APPROVEDReturn all microloans with the status = 1 or status = 3
REPAID_AND_SOLDReturn all microloans with status = 5 or status = 8
ALLReturns all the microloans
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